Sunday, October 21, 2012


3 out of 10 stars

Younger Joe.....................Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Older Joe.....................................Bruce Willis
Sara..........................................Emily Blunt 
Cid.........................................Pierce Gagnon


Can I just rant for one tiny moment? Someone came into the theater this week and asked for unchilled bottled water. Unchilled. As in not cold. Like, seriously? If you come into my theater and ask for unchilled water, I will judge you so hard.

Anyway, back to the movie. 

I wouldn't say this is necessarily a bad movie. It's just...... weird. That is really the only word I can use when describing this movie. It's just plain weird. I think he tried too hard to play the cool guy though.

Can I just first take a moment to say that this is not Joseph Gordon-Levitt. That's just not what he looks like. It threw me off the whole movie. I kept looking at him and thinking "no.... just no." I know he was supposed to look like a younger version of Bruce Willis, but it just wasn't working for me. And besides, of all the actors in Hollywood to choose to play older and younger versions of each other, they choose Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Bruce Willis?? Their casting director should be fired. 

But besides the whole changed-appearance thing, I thought Joseph Gordon-Levitt did alright in this movie. It definitely wasn't his best. But it certainly wasn't his worst. He did an excellent job of narrating in a dramatic voice. 

Okay... Bruce Willis. I think I actually sort of maybe liked his character. I'm not quite sure yet. He wasn't... awful. But again, I don't think it was his best performance. There was one point in the movie, don't ask me about it because I won't be able to tell you, but there was one point where, for like maybe 2 seconds, that Bruce Willis had hair. It was a close-up of him turning around so you could only see half of his face. But it was long, stringy, black hair with an intense widow's peak. And for whatever reason, those 2 seconds just make me madder than all get out. I cannot stand to see Bruce Willis look like that. It infuriates me. It's not the fact that he has hair. I've seen him with hair before, in Surrogate. I don't know. It was just atrocious. I do think that the whole time, he was fighting for a noble cause. He only wanted to save his wife. He was fighting for the one's he loved. However, I do not under any circumstance promote the killing of small children. I thought that was horrible. Especially the first one, when the boy turns around and sees Bruce Willis just standing in his garden, watching him. I wanted to be like "YOU CREEP GET AWAY FROM THAT BOY HE'S REALLY CUTE!" But of course he killed him anyway. What a terrible person. Poor kid.

I will admit that I somewhat approved of Emily Blunt's character. Only somewhat. I was rather impressed, though, with her ability to put on an American-Southern accent. Some British actors have enough trouble with regular American accents (think, Chicago-like), let alone one with an accent. I thought that was pretty skilled. However I did almost snort Dr. Pepper up my nose at the part where Sid (Gagnon) is having his 'meltdown' and she locks herself in a safe. I was like 'really? That's your panic room?' I feel like that could be potentially very dangerous. But I guess you gotta do whatever it takes to protect yourself from your raging, psychopathic 4-year old...

Speaking of psychopathic 4-year olds, lets talk about Cid. Sweet baby mother of pearl. This child. First off, look at his face. So cute. So presh. I wish I could just wrap him up in my pocket and save him for a rainy day. And let me just remind you all that Pierce Gagnon was five when he filmed this movie. 
And what have you done with your life so far?
This is some of the best child acting I have seen in a very long time. I love the part when he distracts the guy who comes to question Sara. How he just walks around the big circle so smooth-like. Also, he's remarkably good at making an angry face. And I don't mean like little-kid-gets-mad kind of angry face. I mean like I-swear-I-will-make-sure-you-die-the-most-painful-death-possible kind of look.
He's five.
People on tumblr like him a lot.

So although it did have Pierce Gagnon in it, I still think it wasn't a very good movie. There was just so much excessive language. And I guess that is more realistic since most of it is about grown men fighting each other but still, it would've been just as great a movie if there wasn't as much foul language. 

Plus, they could have done with a little less violence. Now I know that's unusual for me to say. I'm usually pretty chill with violence. It doesn't bother me. (That's what happens when your dad has you watch Saving Private Ryan when you're nine.) But this time, I just got tired of it. Like, we get it. You see the guy, you blow his guts out his back. Enough already, I've seen in twelve times. And as my mom said, it left nothing to the imagination. If somebody got shot, you would see everything. 

And finally, I really don't think the movie was very well thought out. Half the people I've talked to are still confused as to whether Cid was a younger-younger version of Joe or if he really was the Rainmaker... or if Joe was the Rainmaker. I finally conceded to the idea that Cid was not a younger-younger version of Joe and that Cid was supposed to be the Rainmaker but because Joe killed himself, Cid would have a loving mother in his life who would keep him on the right track and not turn into a murderous raging monster. But I wouldn't know would I because THEY DIDN'T CLEAR THAT UP AT ALL. Also, the one thing I thought was that if Abe, Joe's boss, was from the future, didn't that mean that a younger version of himself was running around somewhere? And if so, I thought that was illegal. I don't know. There were too many unanswered questions.

Like why did Joe want to go to France?
I just...
I can't.
Okay. Goodbye.
Drink cold water.


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